Inkscape software logo
Inkscape software logo

In case you want to step by step instructions rather than experiment, you can find tutorials on YouTube to watch, along with written content like FAQs and forums.

inkscape software logo

Inkscape is ideal for beginners because the user interface is clean and intuitive to use. The Inkscape download is available to install on Apple macOS, Linux, and Microsoft Windows PC operating systems, yet Inkscape warns that the user experience on Mac is not the best. In case you want to become a contributor to Inkscape, you can contribute to the source code with new development or donate money to the team. Read affiliate disclosure here.Inkscape is free and open source. And be sure to subscribe to my Youtube channel and/or follow my Facebook page for weekly Inkscape and GIMP tutorials. If you have any questions or run into any problems with the tutorials, feel free to leave a comment below. These videos are complete with voice narration and step-by-step instructions so that even a first-time user can follow along and start designing their own customized logos. Here’s a few logo design tutorials for Inkscape that I’ve created. Open Source Logo Design Software Tutorials The logo examples referenced in this post were all designed with Inkscape, as is everything you’ll see on my portfolio. Anyone who tells you that Inkscape can’t be used professionally is simply misinformed. I’ve used Inkscape to design thousands of logos for thousands of clients throughout my 7-year career as a freelance designer. I like it better than Illustrator because it’s a lightweight application that doesn’t hog system resources, and the interface is more intuitive and makes for a more efficient workflow in my opinion.

inkscape software logo

Can Inkscape Be Used for Professional Logo Design? Not to mention, Inkscape is simply easy to use and beginner-friendly. Inkscape makes it very easy to design logos that will remain completely editable so you can shrink them down, scale them up, strip them down to black and white, and so on. This is where Inkscape shines, and it’s what makes it the best open source logo design software. This makes for a far more dynamic format because it allows you to scale a graphic up infinitely without any quality loss.

inkscape software logo

Unlike raster graphics, which are comprised of pixels, vector graphics are comprised of mathematical formulas that dictate the properties of a graphic on an X and Y axis.

Inkscape software logo